
25 February 2014

Top Ten Tuesday #1 (2/25/14)

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish, and for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday Rewind I've chosen Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read.

(Special Shout out to Mo Books for the inspiration)

I currently have 329 books on my Goodreads TBR shelf and that number grows everyday, on top of that I have quite the LONG mental list of books that people have recommended to me and I simply haven't gotten to.

So, here it is, a list of Books I Can't Believe I've Never Read (I don't want to say that they are the TOP ten, because I'm sure I've forgotten something)
(to visit the books' Goodreads page, click the cover)
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)The Pact
The Fault in Our StarsGone GirlThe Handmaid's Tale
The Demon King (Seven Realms, #1)VelveteenThe Book Thief
DraculaCity of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)
What books can't you believe you haven't read yet?


  1. Just bought The Fault in Our Stars and The Book Thief for my Kindle app. Started the Fault in Our Stars, but I'm in the very beginning (kind of amateur writing style so far, but plot is good). Gone Girl was good, not great. I also read her other book, Sharp Objects - same review .

    As for what I can't believe I haven't read - The Help and The Lovely Bones. But, I actually can believe it. Because I don't read nearly as much as you. :)

  2. I need to read those books being turned into movies ASAP. The Fault in Our Stars seems to be for a middle school audience, so I understand that style.

    The Help was good, but not my usual genre. I read Alice Sebold's Lucky which is her memoir, totally moving.

    Happy Reading :)

  3. Drop everything and go read the Fault in Our Stars and the Book Thief!

    Actually a couple of months ago I was in the same boat as you, where I just didn't feel like reading these books that were in my TBR, even though multiple people recommended it to it. In the end, those two became my favorites.

    1. A friend is going to lend me Fault in Our it's just a matter of getting my hands on it! Thanks for the advice :)

  4. I have to read Gone Girl, too. But you really must read Cinder. That's a book that took me by surprise in terms of how much I liked it!

    1. Cinder is one of those books that I pick up every time I go to the book store and for some reason put it back down, I'll have to borrow it from the library... it's been getting a lot of hype lately. Thanks for stopping by

  5. Anonymous2/25/2014

    The Pact is one of my all-time favorite books! It's the book that introduced me to Jodi Picoult, and although I don't love everything she's written since, she's one of the authors on my "I'm automatically going to read her next book" list.
    I really liked Gone Girl, too.
    Book Thief is on my TBR, but I've just never been in the right mood for it yet.

    1. I've read a few of her books, they aren't my usual genre but they are always good!

      Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by :)

  6. Great pick. I really enjoyed The Pact, and have read and loved The Book Thief and The Fault In Our Stars too - I recommend them all! Nice list :) My TTT.

  7. Except the Fault in Our Stars and Book Thief I haven't read any of these either! Great list it reminded me that so many good books are still left to read there is still hope for us readers :)

    My TTT
    If you have the time please Check out my Banners too I also take Requests :) Banners

    1. P.S. followed you :)

    2. Thanks so much! I will follow back :)

  8. I'm reading Gone Girl at the moment, and oh my gosh, it's amazing and I 100% recommend it! And I can't believe I've not read Cinder yet - I've heard so many good things about it and it's been on my wish list for forever, but I just haven't got my hands on it yet :(

    1. I keep hearing good things about it both Gone Girl and Cinder, I just need to get them! Thanks for stopping by

  9. I was just going through my blog roll and clicked on your post. Then I noticed your shout out to me. :D thanks for that, I'm so happy I gave you some inspiration. I still haven't got anound to reading Gone Girl yet either :/. I seriously rec the Lunar Chronicles.

    1. No problem! I saw your post and it got me thinking about books that I mean to read but haven't yet.
      I think the Lunar Chronicles will be next on my list, everyone is raving about them
