
22 August 2014

The Crown of Embers

The Crown of Embers (Fire and Thorns, #2)

Author: Rae Carson
Series: Fire and Thorns #2
Publication Date: September 18, 2012
Source: Purchased
Summary from Goodreads: She does not know what awaits her at the enemy's gate.Elisa is a hero.
She led her people to victory over a terrifying, sorcerous army. Her place as the country's ruler should be secure. But it isn't.
Her enemies come at her like ghosts in a dream, from foreign realms and even from within her own court. And her destiny as the chosen one has not yet been fulfilled.
To conquer the power she bears, once and for all, Elisa must follow a trial of long-forgotten—and forbidden—clues, from the deep, hidden catacombs of her own city to the treacherous seas. With her go a one-eyed spy, a traitor, and the man whom—despite everything—she is falling in love with.
If she's lucky, she will return from this journey. But there will be a cost.


Review: I really enjoyed this book. Elisa continues to grow on me - I love that she does things in her own way. There were a lot of unexpected twists and turns in this book that led to lots of unanswered questions. The romance was well written and I don't want to say more than that in case you haven't read the first book. I am really struggling with my feelings about the ending - it was predictable in that you could sort of see the direction things were headed, but it wasn't predictable at the same time. Regardless,  I am invested in Elisa and her journey.


  1. First off great review! I found your blog on A Flurry of Ponderings. I just love your design and blog name. Very creative :) Followed you via GFC and Twitter.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi, im mercedes from the YA craze.
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    1. Thanks! I've already been nominated and won't be participating. But thank you!

  4. I loved this book too! I'm glad you liked it :) I hope you like the last one... it's kind of crazy!

    1. thanks! my review for the last book is coming soon!!
