
15 September 2014

Heir of Fire

Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3)

Author: Sarah J Maas
Publication Date: September 2, 2014
Source: Purchased (at the Heir of Fire Book Tour!)
Summary from Goodreads: Lost and broken, Celaena Sardothien’s only thought is to avenge the savage death of her dearest friend: as the King of Adarlan’s Assassin, she is bound to serve this tyrant, but he will pay for what he did. Any hope Celaena has of destroying the king lies in answers to be found in Wendlyn. Sacrificing his future, Chaol, the Captain of the King’s Guard, has sent Celaena there to protect her, but her darkest demons lay in that same place. If she can overcome them, she will be Adarlan’s biggest threat – and his own toughest enemy.
While Celaena learns of her true destiny, and the eyes of Erilea are on Wendlyn, a brutal and beastly force is preparing to take to the skies. Will Celaena find the strength not only to win her own battles, but to fight a war that could pit her loyalties to her own people against those she has grown to love?

Rating: êêêêê


Brilliant! Amazing! Un-put-down-able!

OK, so assuming you've read the other books in the series, you think you know Celaena, well you really get to know her in this book (and you're mind will be blown!). The character development is really well done; we finally get details about Celaena's past and we get to see her grow.

We are introduced to a new character who is also well developed, and I really don't want to say more about him because I can't spoil it for you. I am looking forward to more from him, and seeing where his story goes.

The plot moves at an excellent pace. There are a lot of details woven throughout scenes that come together in unexpected ways. The plot literally thickens as Celaena continues her journey. 

This book is darker and deeper than the others in the series, however I feel that it truly was necessary for the story. The writing is spectacular! This book made me feel pretty much every emotion possible (yes, I even cried... more than once). 

Seriously, you should stop reading this review and just pick up this book already!

Enter to win a signed copy!


  1. Hi! I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Here's my post:

  2. Great review. I really enjoyed this one but felt that I liked Crown of Midnight more. I really want to reread it though, I think it's one I will appreciate more the second time around.
