
31 October 2014

Blogger Organization

I follow a lot of blogs and every so often I noticed that bloggers post an update about how hectic life has been and sometimes they even write a post about taking a break from blogging. Life happens, we all get that and understand that. In fact, I love that when I read these posts, I also read an uncountable number of comments from their followers who support and encourage these stressed out and overwhelmed bloggers.

GIF exhausted fed up frazzled sleepy stress stressed stressing tired GIF

It seems that lately, I have been one of those stressed out bloggers, who hasn't been blogging or reading as much as I would like. I am not looking for sympathy here, instead I want to share what I am doing in order to make some changes. First, I joined the Blog Ahead Challenge and second, I purchased the 2015 Book Blogger Organizer and Blogger Resources from Both of these ideas came from Monique at Mo's Books (thanks buddy!!).

Jump High Five GIF

I figured that it was time that we had a conversation about this, what do you do in order to stay on track with reading and blogging?


  1. Whatever you do don't stress about the lack of reading and writing, it only makes you feel bad. There's nothing wrong with taking a break from something you love. After all if you really do love it, you will always come back to it when you're ready.
    I'm so happy you took my advice on the organizer. I had helped me a tremendous amount. Organization is the key after all. Start off small and answer a fewbook blogger hop questions or maybe some TTT's and before you know it you will have posts building up. This will make you happy and feel great about having something to post ready in advance.
    Thanks so much for the mention <3 *big hugs*
    Good luck Emily, and happy reading =D

    1. Thanks for the advice! looking forward to getting a bit ahead :)

  2. My calender is the key to my success! I couldn't blog without it! I try to keep ahead as much as possible by having at least the next week's posts already written so I can just go onto Blogger and post them rather than having to write them last minute. I also write reviews also right after I finish a book and schedule it for a day in advance. Doing this, I now have reviews almost to the end of November. Keeping yourself on a schedule is the biggest thing for me!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. what kind of calender do you use?

  3. Hahah I don't. I just take a break without posting anything for awhile, and everyone is okay with it, I guess. I don't stress out about it, but I still continue commenting on other blogs, just because it's good for procrastination hahaha!

    1. I try to get caught up with commenting too, it makes me feel better lol

  4. I'm so glad I saw this post and your mention of Blog Ahead Challenge! I struggle so much with getting posts scheduled ahead. Too many times I've been up at midnight writing a post for the next morning. So thank you! And I really hope it helps you stress less!

    Kristen @ Pretty Little Pages
