
31 January 2015

Stacking the Shelves #29 (1/31/2015)

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


The Selection by Kiera Cass
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Demon King by Cinda Willaims Chima

Thank you to Lisa @ Lisa Loves Literature for being an awesome CGSwaps partner!


  1. I actually refuse to read The Selection, lol. It just doesn't seem like my kind of book. Plus the reviewers I trust all didn't give it a positive. However, I have heard excellent things about Cinda Williams Chima so that's definitely something I'd get excited for!

    My Stacking the Shelves + Montly Recap here!
    - Nova @ Out of Time

    1. Also, really random, but I ADORE your blog design. It's so cute <333

    2. I've heard mixed reviews about the Selection too, but I'm excited to give it a shot! All three were on my wishlist, so Lisa did an excellent job!

      Thanks so much! The design is still fairly new!

  2. I'll comment on your STS as well since you commented on mine. You're so good at only getting these books this week. I need to stop requesting books! Great haul, if I do say so myself. ;-)

    1. I put myself on a book buying ban because I have WAY too many that need to be read.

  3. Nice haul. I recently read The Selection and it was really good. I need to go to the library and pick up the next book in the series.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  4. The Handmaid's Tale is a fantastic book! I hope you'll enjoy it. :)

  5. I really need to read The Handmaid's Tale. Did you know it was published a love time ago, I think in the 1980s? Well I didn't know that til recently. And oooo the Selection. I wonder what you will think of that series? I haven't read it but I don't think it's my type of book.

  6. Awesome books you have here! :) And some of them I added on my tbr too. Happy reading and hope you'll enjoy them all.

    My STS:

  7. Aw yay for new pretties! Happy reading :)
