
03 August 2015

Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge Update

This challenge is hosted by Falling for YA. Basically the goal is to tackle your review books and get your feedback percentage up.

My goal is 25 books and to maintain a percentage of 80% or better. 

Here's a fun update: I finally posted my Netgalley badges on my blog!! 

My current percent is 93%.

Unfortunately, my progress is pretty slow... I have been struggling to find titles that I am honestly interested in reading an reviewing. I just can't bring myself to request books, just to request them.

Here is my progress so far:
1. The Donor by Nikki Rae
2. A Wizard Rises by AJ Nuest
3. Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton
4. A Time of Reckoning by AJ Nuest
5. The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey
6. Hidden Huntress by Danielle Jensen
7. Spelled by Betsy Schow
8. Lion Heart by AC Gaughen


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! And congrats on getting your percentage up to 93%!!! Super jealous, mine is only at like 16% haha. But I'm hoping to change that this month! With ARC August and the Bout of Books read-a-thon, I plan on reading mostly ARCs and eARCS this month! :)

    1. Thanks, good luck with the ARC challenge! Netgalley is basically my only source of ARCs at this time, so I don't really have a huge pile to catch up on and won't be participating.
