
30 December 2015

2015 Wrap Up

2015 was one of the busiest years for me! I finished my master's degree, planned my sister's wedding shower and bachelorette party, went to my sister's wedding abroad, started a new job, and my mother in law passed away. Unfortunately, all this stuff took away from reading and blogging. I greatly appreciate all the readers and bloggers who continue to read my blog.

Here is an update on the challenges I participated in 2015.

2015 Book Blog BINGO hosted by me 
(I was totally not prepared to host a challenge and not many people participated in this, but to those of you who did, thank you!)

My Goal: A Double Bingo
Status: Met

A book that takes place in a school: The School for Good and Evil
A book purchased in 2014: Shadow and Bone
The second book in a series: Siege and Storm
A book with magic or paranormal characters: Ruin and Rising
A book written by an author that you've never read before: The Donor
A book with romance: A Wizard Rises
A book published in 2015: Bright Fire
A book that made you cry: The Sin Eater's Daughter
A review persuaded you to read it: The Winner's Curse
A book outside your comfort zone: Moneyball
A book that has been on your TBR shelf for two years or longer: Ashes of Foreverland
A book with a dragon: The Girl at Midnight
A book more than 500 pages: Days of Blood & Starlight
A book with a beautiful cover: Daughter of Smoke & Bone
A book with a color in the title: Scarlet
A book you (should have) read in high school: The Book Thief
A book from the New York Times Best Sellers List: Queen of Shadows
A fairy tale retelling: The Wrath and the Dawn
A book that someone recommended to you: Six of Crows

2015 Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge
hosted by Falling for YA

My Goal: 25 books and 80%
Status: half met (9 books, 91%)

1. The Donor by Nikki Rae
2. A Wizard Rises by AJ Nuest
3. Seeker by Arwen Elys Dayton
4. A Time of Reckoning by AJ Nuest
5. The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey
6. Hidden Huntress by Danielle Jensen
7. Spelled by Betsy Schow
8. Lion Heart by AC Gaughen
9. Hidden Gates by DT Dyllin

2015 Discussion Challenge
My Goal: 1 - 12 Discussion Dabbler
Status: Met (even though I was really hoping to complete one discussion per month)
  1. Book Event Etiquette
  2. Rereacds and Reviews
  3. Book Previews
  4. Promoting Archived Posts
  5. Adults who read YA
2015 Goodreads Reading Challenge

My Goal: 70 books
Status: Not Met (45 books)


  1. I'm so bad at challenges. I signed up for your bingo, but then didn't keep track if I finished or not. I may have to see if I can go back and do a final update if I met any of the goals on it! Here's to next year!

  2. OMG That Bingo looks so cool! I'll definitely take a look into it next time bec I don't think I saw it when it was first launched, and I missed out on a lot of fun! It's such a great way to do challenges and to complete a book in a genre you're not familiar with.

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

  3. This is why I don't really sign up for challenges (unfortunately) BUT HEY at least you got a double bingo on your OWN hosted challenge! I think that is great! :)
